So I am WAY behind on posting about this, but I've just been so busy since we got back from Myrtle Beach. In fact, I should probably be headed to bed now, but I'm going to type this entry instead. You're welcome.
Singing in the Sun was, for the most part, a very enjoyable time. I'll be honest with you...I was starting to dread going down to Myrtle Beach, but once we got there, I was more than happy. I would have to say that it helps to know people with a condo right on the beach that we can stay with. That doesn't hurt one bit. :) The weather was great, the water temperature was PERFECT, and the company was fabulous.
Wednesday was our load-in day and the first day of concerts. The Perry's and the Booth Brothers were all excellent, but why wouldn't they be? (I absolutely LOVE The Perry's new album.) The Crist Family did a great job as well. I really like the choral ensemble kind of music that they are able to do. Many of the group members switch between parts, which is a mark of great talent for sure!
Thursday was also a great night of talent with notable performers being Ivan Parker and the Talley Trio. I must share a most amazing story about what happened on Thursday night. My husband, Kyle, and I walked into the auditorium as Ivan was leading the congregation/audience in a "How Great is Our God / How Great Thou Art" medley, and you could just sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. Totally amazing. After the medley, Ivan went into a beautiful rendition of his signature song, "Midnight Cry". After finishing "Midnight Cry" and the audience was on their feet, a man was at the side of the stage waving Ivan down. Ivan went over to the man, and then after a couple of minutes turned to the audience and asked if there was a physician in the house. There was a woman have some difficulty, and needed immediate medical attention. A doctor found their way over to her, and as that all was taking place, Ivan began to lead everyone in prayer for this woman. After he said, "Amen", he began leading everyone in "Amazing Grace". To hear 3,000+ voices lifted up in song was just a gorgeous sound. As he continued to lead them, the Talleys walked up onto stage and helped lead the last verse. Then, they immediately went into "The Healer". The electricity in the air was undeniable and quite evident on everyone's face. While they were singing, the medics came and started to take care of the woman. They had her out in the lobby and closed the doors so that the audience would not be distracted. Later on, we heard that while in the lobby, the woman began to slip into a coma. Several people circled around her and began to pray for her and lay hands on her. She came to, and within the next hour was back in the auditorium enjoying the rest of the music! AMAZING!! And this whole event was a testimony to the power of prayer within the Body of Christ. Just so cool to be there and witness that amazing event.
Friday was the day that I sang on the Regional Artist showcase. I did not "advance" to the Main Stage, but I was quite alright with that. More times than not, groups will advance to the Main Stage spot, and quite frankly, I cannot sing 3 and 4 part harmony by myself. :) Plus, everyone else pulled out old songs and didn't do much new material. I did all new material b/c it is what is on my album. But no worries. People enjoyed it and were blessed by it. That's all that matters.
Saturday was a relaxing day with a morning at the beach. HAPPY DAY! We frolicked (I just wanted to use that word) in the water and just enjoyed the last moments of peace before the evening. The Shaffers sang on Saturday night. They are one of my favorite groups in SG right now. Cassie is such an amazing singer and musician, and totally rocks. Her testimony is pretty incredible, and when she sings, you can just feel the anointing upon her. LOVE THEM!! Gold City sang, and WOW WOW WOW WOW! "Preach the Cross" is such a moving song. I remember the first time I heard it on the radio, I thought a woman was singing it! Umm...not so much as it turns out! :) I will say this...the media that went along with "Preach the Word" wasn't that great and terribly distracting. But I am a media snob and thinks that everyone should hire the pros at MediaShout ( to handle the media...not the cameras...the added videos and pictures.
The time finally came Saturday night for us to pack up, and it was CRAZY in the exhibit hall as everyone started tearing down and packing up. Kirk Talley came by to see us, and it was so awesome to visit with him! Love him! Everyone should go buy his new album, "Beyond Words". Kirk and I sang his duet, "Oh Lamb of Calvary" at Gatlinburg Gathering last year. (I'm secretly hoping we can do it again this year b/c it is just so much fun to sing with him!)
We headed back to Nashvegas on Sunday morning, WHICH also happened to be my 27th birthday. I turned 27 on the 27th. Once in a lifetime, folks! And I spent the entire day in the car. :-p We actually did stop in Sevierville and had dinner with my G'ma Scott at Tony Gore's Smoky Mountain BBQ. If you have not been there, GO NOW! Your taste buds will thank you!
That wraps it up. There are other things that went on in the week, but those were the highlights. Of course, other highlights were seeing our friends! It is always a joy to see loved ones!
I'll post tomorrow or Monday about my CD release concert!