Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Great Personal Trainer Debate

With joining the gym, you are granted a free meeting and fitness assessment with one of the gym's personal trainers. I ended up meeting with a guy named Garrett, who is a really nice guy. He actually trains one of the guys from Selah, so that was a nice...if somewhat of a longshot...connection. Plus, we have similar backgrounds in that we have struggled with our weight during most of our life, including middle/high school.

Basically, he said that he'd like to meet with me for five (5) sessions to go over weight training with me so that I could incorporate that into my daily/weekly routine with the cardio to burn the maximum amount of fat. We would meet on Monday (1) & Wednesday (2), where he would show me the routine, go through it with me, and help me with all the machines, etc. etc. I would Friday to try it myself. We would then come back together the following Monday (3) & Wednesday (4) to try it again. Then, on Friday, I would try it myself...again. That next Monday (5) would then be the last session I have with him.

The entire time he was talking to me about this, the number one question in my head was, "How much is this going to cost?" Well, it's $325 for the 5 sessions....all due up front. Now, I technically have the money now, but I was hoping to use that on Christmas gifts for our families.

I'm just torn. I want to do this weight-loss thing the right way in the beginning, and not half-way. I want it to stick this time and maximize the outcome. I want and need a routine if this is going to work. I can't really put this off until January or February, it is something I need to do now. I just wish it didn't cost so much, or that there was at least a payment plan option.



Snips and Snails said...

The cost is about average, but call me before you do anything. I can write you a program for free...can't let that good App education go to waste. Just tell him you only want someone to show you the machines.

Dawn said...

Good luck with the choice you make. Even if you can't afford the trainer now maybe you could just work on some lifestyle changes until you can afford it.

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Personal Trainer Ratings said...

Good luck with the choice you make. Even if you can't afford the trainer now maybe you could just work on some lifestyle changes until you can afford it..thanks for sharing here.